Thursday, September 9, 2010

July 2010-Trip to/From UT

"Here's Your Sign..."

Navoo LDS Temple boys...
...Mt. Rushmore...Cub (my "lil" Bro) took the pic
...hiking trail at a rest area somewhere on the way to UT...
...Awwwwww...for Cuteness!!!...
...momma's cuddle bug :-)
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

5 months on May 31st!!

Sure do love My Boys!!!!!

Not only does he push himself backwards and sideways...his 1st little tooth finally poked threw the gums...not all the way in yet but the tip is showing!! :-) ..a couple of days ago he pushed himself forward on his tummy but only 1 push then he was done lol. Hope this video worked out (uploaded correctly so you'all can see).

Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our little guy-goin' on 4 mo's old!

He's actually wearing a size 6-9 mo' outfit in this pic and it fit him comfortably!

this little outfit is a size 6 months and I could barely get it on him!

playin' with his daddy...laughin' up a storm!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

My little snuggle bug...
Momma's boys...

the 2 above pics where taken today (3-22-2010)
this next one was taken yesterday...
Sat (3-20-2010)-also Daniel and I's 18 month Anniversary :-)
The 3 of us went to the park for a picnic then went for a walk around the park...
although it was a beautiful sunny day, it was a little breezy and Hyrum was sleeping in his stroller, so we don't have a pic of him-sorry...
wide eyed and happy

I LOVE this little guy!!! ...his eyes are sooo cool too!! He's our little bundle of Joy!!Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Growin' Boy!!...Our "Little?" Baby

Our first time going back to church after he was born...
minus the hat...we decided not to make him wear it in public since it looks more like a Court Jester's hat than a Crown which is what it's supposed to be...It has little pics of a boy and stars on it and says "Prince" across the front...

I LOVE his eyes!!...They're blue with a little bit of brown in them...

...and he sure does have ALOT of Personality!!!...

Today was Hyrum's 2 month Well Baby check up...He is now 13 lbs 10 1/2 oz and 24 3/4 inches long!! He went from the 39% at last his last visit-(2 weeks old) to the 98% this time...and He's just as Cute as can be!! He got his immunizations today also (one oral and 3 shots)...he handled it better than I thought he would too!...He cried while they gave him the shots but went right to sleep after we picked him up...He is now sitting in his bouncer wavin' his arms around and kickin' his legs with excitement for something I obviously can't see!...He's definitely a Happy little Fellow!!...and We Love Him SOOOOOOOOOOOO Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs to All!!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hyrum...Our Bitty Super Guy :-)

Talkin' to his Granny blanky...

...He's a happy little guy!!
Excited about somethin'!!!...
My Bitty Bright Eyes...
Daddy's little Buddy...
growin' like crazy!!!
Hugs to all!! We love & miss ya'll bunches!!...
ps. I know it's a little late but I couldn't get the computer to work with me the other day, so Happy Valentines Day...
Will You Beeeeee My Valentine???
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Our little bundle of joy!

Tummy time...
Story time with Daddy...
Happy boy...loves to smile!!