He was full of service & compassion, very loyal and hard working.
He knew how to have a good time and was a very uplifting, inspiring man!
May we all live up to his Great Legacy and remember him always!
Hello, my name is Luburger, I am the eldest of Chief & Ma Hawkman's five little Honyocks. My younger brother's & sister are as follows : Sunshine, Cub, Handsome-doosler and Bitty-Sis. We enjoy spending time together as a family and our roots grow deep back Home in the village of Grayson. Where once was settled there, our Ancestors of the Pioneering Clans..."
If you like Age of Empires, Lord of the Realm, Civilization II and other games like them, Realm of Empires if for you! ...You can find it by clicking on it's link (above), as well as on Facebook!
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If you like Age of Empires, Lord of the Realm, Civilization II and other games like them, Realm of Empires if for you! ...You can find it by clicking on it's link (above), as well as on Facebook!
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