It was around 11:30 pm that we found ourselves anxiously awaiting at the Airport in Norfolk, on Thursday, March 26th, as one of our good friends from Utah was coming to visit... Her name: Mickey, a.k.a Michelle (but really it's vice versa...we just like to call her Mickey).
As the story goes and the weekend unfolds- after picking Mickey up at the Airport, we returned Home and Daniel went to bed while Mickey & I stayed up visiting/watching a movie until just before 3:00 am (Eastern Time)...
Friday Daniel ended up getting home early, which was nice, because he got home just in time to meet the guys who where delivering OUR BED!!! heehee, that's right folks!...We got a BED!!...Queen springs & mattress!!! HOORAY for Real/Big Beds!! heehee :-) ...ok now back to the story...
...Oh, wait, first here's a pic of our NEW bed!!...
...note: The Awesome Quilt covering Our Bed was Made in Utah ~heehee~
...My Granny Hawkins made it for Us as a Wedding gift!-And WE LOVE IT!! ;-)

After we got the bed put where we wanted it and got ready-(Mickey and I got "all dolled up")
we all went for a walk Downtown. While we were there, we found a cute little Shop called, "The Queen Bees." There's a sweet Grandma lady that runs the Shop and we had fun visiting with her as we looked around at all the fun things she had...Mickey found some cute Hats to try on as well...
...Here is one of them...
...and it suits her too!..all the Hats looked gr8 on her!...

When we were done looking around the Shop, we went over to The Commodore Theatre to get some movie tickets but had to run home and get cash because they only took cash-lol-So we walked home, got the car and went back. Daniel parked across the street from The Commodore and told Mickey and I that we could go check out The Kitchen Koop Shop down the road and he'd catch up with us after he got the tickets.
...Here's a pic of Mickey and I sittin' at our table inside The Commodore...

On Saturday, Daniel sent us "Girls," out while he stayed home and did the laundry (I know...he is SOOO awesome like that!! Such a sweetheart!!-heehee)...Mickey and I went walking Downtown checking out the different little Shops again, and decided to go back to The Queen Bee's because Mickey wanted to get a Hat...and she did...and it's a cute one too!!... OH, and as I said earlier, about the hat's all looking good on Mickey, I think that the Cute Grandma lady was having just as much fun watching/having Mickey try on the different Hats as Mickey was putting them on/wearing them!...It was FUN indeed!!
...Mickey & I out on Our walk...

After Mickey got her hat, we decided to take our "stuff" (hat & jackets) back to the Apt because it was a nice warm day...While we were at the Apt, we talked Daniel into walkin' with us to the Ferry to ride on it with us. ...Funny thing about leaving our jackets home, after we left the Apt and headed to the Ferry, it cooled!!
...While we waited for the Ferry we walked over to the Light from an old Lighthouse and got a pic of us in front of one of the Ships that are being worked on, then we went into the Shop there next to it and looked around.

Daniel road on the Ferry with us over to Norfolk but had to head back so he could pick up the Missionaries & Stacie, and meet Jake, Bell, Brandon & Rachel at our place for F.H.E.(sorry didn't get a pic at F.H.E) ...Mickey and I got off the Ferry in Norfolk and walked over to the Mall and walked around there for a bit, then caught the Ferry back to Portsmouth and walked started raining on us on our way home lol!! heehee...After F.H.E, Mickey made us Guacamole and Fajitas!!!...they were SOOO good!! (She told us before she came out here that she planned on doing so, I'm addicted to her guacamole and she likes to make it, so...she spoils me)-heehee.
On Sunday, Jake met us at the Apt and we all went to Church. The meetings all went very well...and after Church we drove through the City Park so Mickey could see how nice it is, then took her to the Airport.
We had a Wonderful weekend and it was a Blast having Mickey visit...and we look forward to more visits, both of having company visit us Here and visiting Utah again!
...Until next time, Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!