Krista invited me to go with her and the kids to the Zoo...
here we watched the Elephant get a shower...

This little Turtle was pretty kept swimming in front of the big turtle and waving it's arms like CrAzY in it's face!...

I just couldn't help taking pics and laughin' when we got to the
Prairie Dog exhibit... lol, I can't say that I ever thought I'd see it...but I now can say I Have Seen It!!...AND they even had Stuffed Animal Prairie Dogs!! LOL...I was tempted to get fact, maybe one of these times I will get one just for kicks! All I had to do in B'town to see a Prairie Dog was look out in the back field!! Oh, Well...I sure got a kick out of it anyway. ...and to tell ya the truth, I've actually always thought they are cute little critters...even though they are a hassle when Farming is concerned! ;-)

here's a pic that Krista got of Bella and I in the bubble at the Prairie Dog exhibit...

...It was a fun day...
thanks Krista and kids! :-)
Daniel got to come visit...he got here around 10:00 pm!!
(there will be a separate post for the rest of the weekend)
1 comment:
What? you didn't post a pic of the enormous elephant poo? hehehe. It was a great day for a visit to the zoo. Thanks for coming along!
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