After Matt's baptism on October 20th (his Birthday!), we got this silly family photo...I'm SOOO Proud of Matthew and his choice to be baptised! He is a sweet heart and set a good example for all of us!! I LOVE YOU MATT!! Good job buddy!! ;-) I LOVE MY WHOLE FAMILY!! ..They are THE BEST!! ...If only My Love, Daniel could have been there with us...but that's ok...He was where he needed to be ;-) I Love YOU Daniel, Meu Amor!! Sempre Fica Sorrindo!

...At 6:00 am the next day, Dad and I headed out...(Left Blanding and headed to Virginia)...On the way, We had the opportunity to stop in Texas and meet up with my Aunt and Cousin that I haven't seen for over a decade...literally!!

Aunt Dianne, Uncle Skeet and Aunt Dianne's Sweet FORD Truck!!!...

This is my Cousin Nikki...she has always been beautiful...inside and out! ...I really enjoyed seeing her again!! It was a blast hanging out with these guys...we spent 5 hrs there! :-) My Cousin Cody met us there too, but I didn't get a pic of him :-( ...he's cool!!

We stopped in Oklahoma at a rest area and while we were there we ran into a nice couple and had a fun little was great, because they misunderstood me when I said that we were headed to Virginia because that's were my husband is stationed in the Navy and we just got an apartment there...The woman looked at my Dad and asked him where he was, when I told her that he was my dad, the husband said, "oh, well you don't look like you are..."

A couple of the goofiest named places that we went through were "Frog Suck, Arkansas," and "Lottawatta"...and it did have "a lot of water!!"

...This next pic is the bridge we crossed over into Tennesse...

Dad & I Stopped at a few different rest areas along the way, this was one of the nicest...lots of trees...saw the BIGGEST Daddy Long-Leg that I've ever seen!!...

...this is what the road looked like through this side of the trip!! (gettin' closer to Virginia)

...To see Daniel's reaction when he saw me, go to Our blog and click on "4 Days Early and an Unsuspected Suprise," and "4 Days Early..., cont."
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