The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me!
My choice. For you.
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It’ll be done this year. (I won't take the whole year...don't worry)
4. You have no clue what it’s going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry or maybe even some creation I haven’t even invented yet. I may draw or paint something. I may bake you something and mail it to you.Who knows? Not you, that’s for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.
The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did, win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!
* * *Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!
Please leave a nice comment so we know you were able to see our updates...Thank you :-) ~Lace
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
FORD Country Girl vs Dan & Joe-The CHEVYMEN
Ok, So we haven't been able to use our Chidi for the past month because the battery died...not even "jumpin'" it & letting it charge for 10-15 mins was enough to save the poor ol' thing!!
It is not My Ford's fault that it's Battery died...every car has a battery and they ALL die eventually...And the fact that My chidi is a FORD has Nothing to do with it!!
Dan & Joe, on the other hand, say that "it's a FORD...that's why it's dead...'Found On Road Dead'..." ...Come on, that is sooo lame!...not to mention incorrect!!
...My FORD has NEVER left me sittin' on the side of the road!!...Sure I might have blown out a tire once, but the fact that My chidi is a FORD had nothin' to do with that either!!...And yet they still say that "it's because it's a FORD and that is why it's DEAD..." Whatever!!...
At least My FORD doesn't have to "wear a bowtie to look good!" :p
A "Chevy-made" Battery for a FORD?!?!?! ...Joking Right?!?... :
So, Joe calls Dan up last night to let him know that he got a battery for us...Dan then put his phone on speaker so that Joe could tell Me that "it's a GM made battery...(a.k.a) Made by the same company that makes CHEVY's!"...
Yeah, So, I then told him that "we'll definately have to get a back up battery so that when that one dies we wont be sittin' again!...And given that it's "Chevy-made," it just might not live that long!!
And now, Dan & Joe, because I know that you'll have to "see it to believe it," here is PROOF that FORD IS BETTER THAN CHEVY...notice that it's the CHEVY that's stuck...
However, it is based on Actual conversation!
Smart'alic- The FORD Country Girl
My poor Chidi has been gettin' alot of slack lately for havin' a dead battery!...:It is not My Ford's fault that it's Battery died...every car has a battery and they ALL die eventually...And the fact that My chidi is a FORD has Nothing to do with it!!
Dan & Joe, on the other hand, say that "it's a FORD...that's why it's dead...'Found On Road Dead'..." ...Come on, that is sooo lame!...not to mention incorrect!!
...My FORD has NEVER left me sittin' on the side of the road!!...Sure I might have blown out a tire once, but the fact that My chidi is a FORD had nothin' to do with that either!!...And yet they still say that "it's because it's a FORD and that is why it's DEAD..." Whatever!!...
At least My FORD doesn't have to "wear a bowtie to look good!" :p
A "Chevy-made" Battery for a FORD?!?!?! ...Joking Right?!?... :
So, Joe calls Dan up last night to let him know that he got a battery for us...Dan then put his phone on speaker so that Joe could tell Me that "it's a GM made battery...(a.k.a) Made by the same company that makes CHEVY's!"...
Yeah, So, I then told him that "we'll definately have to get a back up battery so that when that one dies we wont be sittin' again!...And given that it's "Chevy-made," it just might not live that long!!
And now, Dan & Joe, because I know that you'll have to "see it to believe it," here is PROOF that FORD IS BETTER THAN CHEVY...notice that it's the CHEVY that's stuck...
Yeah, I bet that guy was wishin' he had a heater on His Tailgate!
~Thanks Joe for the New Battery and for having such a good/fun sense of humor...I really truly do forgive you and Dan for your Chevy-ness! ...I just hope that you'll come around and see the light before it hits you!! ;-)

My Bitty Sissy...
I called "home" to say Hi to everyone the other day and had a fun visit with Mags...
...While we were talking she told me that they took a picture of her with Mike's phone and sent it to me...then when we were done talkin' she said, (giggling) "I was wearing a wig the whole time I was talking to you...heeheehee!!"
...I couldn't help but to laugh, it was sooo cute!!'s the picture she sent me:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Going Once, Going Twice, OH!...what a fun weekend!!
Friday (Feb 20th), After Daniel got home from School, we walked back to Base for a few things then we walked over to Blockbuster to get our "free movie rental" for the month...after we picked out a movie ("Monster in Law"), we decided to walk to Krista & Joe's since it'd take about the same amount of time either way, and they had offered us a ride to the Ward's YM/YW Chili Cook off/Bake Sale where we enjoyed good company, lots of laughs and good chili!
Krista's son Joshua's Chili was the Winner!! -Good Job Josh!! and Thanks again for the Ride! :-)
It was fun watching the Bake Sale/ was crazy too! lol, one of the Cakes went for $100!!-NO JOKE!! ...and everything else went for $15+...that is except for the Cherry Cheese Cake that Daniel bid $5 for (as "opening bid") and apparently nobody heard what it was, because we got it for $5!!! :-D ...and it was GOOD!! lol, Daniel was like a kid, as soon as we got home, he grabbed a spoon and was gonna "dig in!"...I talked him into having 1/4 then and saving some for the next day lol.

Saturday we just hung out at home all day, but Sunday was our Ward Conference and they did the Meetings in reverse order so that the Ward that goes before us could join us for Relief Society/Priesthood. All of the lessons/talks were great!...It was a nice day and the Spirit was definitely there!...I loved it!!!
Lol, after the first meeting, one of the brothers in the Bishopric came and asked me if I would say the closing prayer in Sacrament Meeting and before I even realized I'd said it, I agreed!...then I realized what I'd just agreed too and thought, "oh boy," lol...I was relieved that it was only a Prayer and not a Talk!!...
Sister Patti F. invited us over for Sunday dinner and her Husband picked us up at 5:pm. We had a wonderful time visiting with them, their daughter and the missionaries...and the dinner was Gr8!! was one of my favorites too!! (Mom used to make it for us, growin' up)...It was Venison, Mashed Potatoes & gravy, Cooked Broccoli, Mac & Cheese and biscuits!!!...hmmm it was SOOO good!! :-) ~Thank you Patti & family!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Feb. 11th-A Day "Out" with Daniel & his Class
Daniel sent me a text and asked if I'd like to have lunch with him (something that hasn't happened on a weekday for awhile) and of course I said, "yes"...How could I turn down such a cute guy?!?!...heehee ;-)
Anyway, It turned out that His class "got out early" because they were all (about 40 people) going out to eat at the Wild Buffalo Wings over in Chesapeake.
Here are a couple of the photo's that I took with my cell ph (I know, "fire me," I forgot my camera!!-grr-lol) :
...In the pic above, the girl in the gray shirt (standing in the back) and the guy standing next to her (her husband) are a couple of Our friends-Nikki & "Mac"...Nikki is due to have their first baby-a boy- anytime within the next couple of weeks!...They plan on naming him "Gabriel."
...and in the pic below, the guy on the bottom right hand of the pic (with his hand on his chin) is Our friend "Bell."...
All of the people in His class that I met seem to be pretty cool!!...Not pictured is "Rivers," who is a really cool chica!...She's pretty funny too!...
Anyway, It turned out that His class "got out early" because they were all (about 40 people) going out to eat at the Wild Buffalo Wings over in Chesapeake.
Here are a couple of the photo's that I took with my cell ph (I know, "fire me," I forgot my camera!!-grr-lol) :

...and in the pic below, the guy on the bottom right hand of the pic (with his hand on his chin) is Our friend "Bell."...

After Lunch we all went to the Coldstone Ice Cream Creamery where we got Tour-to see how they make their Ice Cream...and while we were there, Daniel ordered a Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Reeses mix of Ice was good, but I liked my "The Pie Who Loved Me" better!! had Cheesecake Ice Cream with pie crust and fudge mixed together!!-YUMMY!! :-)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Welcoming Babies...
On Feb. 11th We got a new, cute little Nephew (Jon & Colleen's baby)- Jayce Kelryn- 7lbs and 19 inches long.
Then on Valentines Day, my cousins Michelle & Josh had their baby boy-M.J. (Malan Joshua)-6lbs 3oz and 19.5 inches long.
My Cousins Trent & Bailey had a baby Girl.
my friends from "Back Home":
Melissa "Mo" had her baby-Taylor James. (also born on Valentines day).
Colby & Julie had a baby Girl.
~Congrats to all!
Then on Valentines Day, my cousins Michelle & Josh had their baby boy-M.J. (Malan Joshua)-6lbs 3oz and 19.5 inches long.
My Cousins Trent & Bailey had a baby Girl.
my friends from "Back Home":
Melissa "Mo" had her baby-Taylor James. (also born on Valentines day).
Colby & Julie had a baby Girl.
~Congrats to all!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Can you believe it!!...

It seems like just yesterday when I first became a big sister!...And now, 20 yrs later my little bro has grown into a "bigger" little brother-Standing at about 6'2" and one of the funnest guys I know! He is a loving daddy of the worlds cutest Bubby and has a beautiful wife who loves him!

We'd build forts in various parts of the house, use our blankets as hammocks or super hero capes or drape one of mom's big blankets over the couch and go "sleding..."
Looking back through the years I can remeber a number of "adventures" we had together as a couple of knee-high mischief makers!..

We'd build forts in various parts of the house, use our blankets as hammocks or super hero capes or drape one of mom's big blankets over the couch and go "sleding..."
...Bein' mud monsters (pictured: Blain & Micheal)...
...One time we built cars out of boxes and set up boxes in the front yard to have "box races" (like doing the barrels on horses only with boxes)...we were also robo-boxes....jpg)


HaPpY bIrThDaY BlAiN!!!
Love you tons!! Hope you have a good birthday!! Hugs to ya!!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Friday, Feb 6th- A Day Filled with Fun Memories!
Since our car battery was dead (see "For the Sake of Truth and a bit of LoL" in my Journey Blog) I made up a little "Daniel & Mrs. Vess" (Dr. Seuss style) explanation on my Facebook status which read, "Without a car today we be, for a dead car battery have we!"
Krista was on facebook when I posted it, and sent me a message stating that it'd be a long walk to her house and it's cold outside! replied that "it's a good thing I have a warm coat and toesocks then..." Lol She's so fun to tease with and talk too!!!
Anyway, She invited me over to hangout and visit-she came and picked me up in her chidi...
I had a good time! We talked about all sorts of stuff-including the fact that we are related through Governor William Bradford!!-How cool is that!!!..."pretty darn cool if ya ask me!" heehee
We also had some yummy snacks-Cinnamon Twisty things with chocolate on top, and pb & j's!...(I like pb &j's...not only are they yummy, but they also come with fun memories!) We played a little Wii and then went and picked up the kids from school.
Daniel was home from school already when I got home-which was unusual since he usually gets home later than 4:30 (and I was home before 4!)...but that was okay with me because that meant more time with him!! heehee :-)
Krista offered to pick us up for the Priesthood/Relief Society Social/Dance that evening around 6:30 which was nice and appreciated since our car was dead and it was cold...We stopped back by Krista's to pick up her hubby and while we were there, Savannah asked Krista if Daniel and I were going to babysit them (her and the other kids)...when Krista told her that we weren't and explained to her that we were going on a double-date, Savannah wasn't happy because she wanted us to, kids are cute!
When we got to the Dance/Social, We went and got a bite to eat, then when the music came on, it was like the youth dances because most of the girls were out on the dance floor havin' a good time while most of the guys were being wall weeds...IT WAS A BLAST!!!!
AND, ...I GOT DANIEL OUT ON THE DANCE FLOOR!!!...(somethin' of an accomplishment according to his sisters-since he doesn't like to dance) :-) heehee...but I reeled him in!! :-D
...Really, I I was out on the dance floor havin' a good time with the other ladies (Scottie, Krista, Glady, Heidi, Tamille and a few other sisters that I have to apologize-I don't remember their names...but I will learn them!) While we were dancin', we decided to do the "Circle thing" where someone does a dance move in the middle as they trade sides...and after that, I turned towards Daniel (he was watching from the other side of the room) and I stood and acted like I was "throwing a fishing line out and reeling him in"...When he didn't "take the bait," I marched/danced toward him with a pointed finger and the look that says, "I'm gonna getcha!" heehee It was great!...I finally got my turn to embarrass him!! heehee lol He looks cute "in red!" ...
Daniel did ask me to dance a few times (for the slow dances)...and every other time that we danced, he had me stand on his toes...kiinda like dancin' with Daddy Bear when I was a kid, only Daniel says it was so that he wouldn't step on my toes! Lol, one time I asked him to dance a slow dance with me and when he said he didn't want to, I said, "ok," and went out on the dance floor, held my arms up as if I were dancing with someone, and Krista said, "He's not that tall Lacey," and by that time, Daniel was by my side taking my arms in his to dance with me and replied, "It's her dream date!"...We all had a good laugh! Daniel is such a good sport and an amazing man! I am Blessed!! :-D
~Thank you all who put the Social/Dance together, it was a BLAST!! and Thank you Krista & Joe for givin' us a ride...and especially for your friendship!
We live in a beautiful place full of wonderful people!! Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
Krista was on facebook when I posted it, and sent me a message stating that it'd be a long walk to her house and it's cold outside! replied that "it's a good thing I have a warm coat and toesocks then..." Lol She's so fun to tease with and talk too!!!
Anyway, She invited me over to hangout and visit-she came and picked me up in her chidi...
I had a good time! We talked about all sorts of stuff-including the fact that we are related through Governor William Bradford!!-How cool is that!!!..."pretty darn cool if ya ask me!" heehee
We also had some yummy snacks-Cinnamon Twisty things with chocolate on top, and pb & j's!...(I like pb &j's...not only are they yummy, but they also come with fun memories!) We played a little Wii and then went and picked up the kids from school.
Daniel was home from school already when I got home-which was unusual since he usually gets home later than 4:30 (and I was home before 4!)...but that was okay with me because that meant more time with him!! heehee :-)
Krista offered to pick us up for the Priesthood/Relief Society Social/Dance that evening around 6:30 which was nice and appreciated since our car was dead and it was cold...We stopped back by Krista's to pick up her hubby and while we were there, Savannah asked Krista if Daniel and I were going to babysit them (her and the other kids)...when Krista told her that we weren't and explained to her that we were going on a double-date, Savannah wasn't happy because she wanted us to, kids are cute!
When we got to the Dance/Social, We went and got a bite to eat, then when the music came on, it was like the youth dances because most of the girls were out on the dance floor havin' a good time while most of the guys were being wall weeds...IT WAS A BLAST!!!!
AND, ...I GOT DANIEL OUT ON THE DANCE FLOOR!!!...(somethin' of an accomplishment according to his sisters-since he doesn't like to dance) :-) heehee...but I reeled him in!! :-D
...Really, I I was out on the dance floor havin' a good time with the other ladies (Scottie, Krista, Glady, Heidi, Tamille and a few other sisters that I have to apologize-I don't remember their names...but I will learn them!) While we were dancin', we decided to do the "Circle thing" where someone does a dance move in the middle as they trade sides...and after that, I turned towards Daniel (he was watching from the other side of the room) and I stood and acted like I was "throwing a fishing line out and reeling him in"...When he didn't "take the bait," I marched/danced toward him with a pointed finger and the look that says, "I'm gonna getcha!" heehee It was great!...I finally got my turn to embarrass him!! heehee lol He looks cute "in red!" ...
Daniel did ask me to dance a few times (for the slow dances)...and every other time that we danced, he had me stand on his toes...kiinda like dancin' with Daddy Bear when I was a kid, only Daniel says it was so that he wouldn't step on my toes! Lol, one time I asked him to dance a slow dance with me and when he said he didn't want to, I said, "ok," and went out on the dance floor, held my arms up as if I were dancing with someone, and Krista said, "He's not that tall Lacey," and by that time, Daniel was by my side taking my arms in his to dance with me and replied, "It's her dream date!"...We all had a good laugh! Daniel is such a good sport and an amazing man! I am Blessed!! :-D
~Thank you all who put the Social/Dance together, it was a BLAST!! and Thank you Krista & Joe for givin' us a ride...and especially for your friendship!
We live in a beautiful place full of wonderful people!! Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
For the Sake of Truth and a bit of LOL-About Cars
On Friday (Feb 6th) the day started out a bit cold and with a dead car...which we decided, for a more positive look at the situation, was a good way to save gas! LOL...I must say, with the last 2 cars that I've had, there's been a good number of opportunities to save on gas...mostly just with my last one...(my Dodge)!!! ...Daniel says that the reason Our current vehicle is dead, is because it is a "Ford" (He's more of the Chevy type-and like to tease me about Fords!)...however, the fact that my Neon is a Dodge, is, in my opinion, the reason it is sitting in the field back home- since it left me sitting on the side of the Highway just one month after paying it off and only about 500 miles after putting on the brand new set of tires! (not to mention all the other different things I had to fix on/with it) LOL...In all honesty-and my friend who was with me at the time would agree-the whole time we were sitting on the side of the road (in the Neon), I was laughing about what had happened...mostly out of relief because that whole week I'd had a feeling that something was going to happen (it was not a comfortable feeling)...and after the Neon died, while driving down the Highway, that bad feeling was lifted and I felt a wave of relief come over me!
Yes, my family likes Ford, However, Hubby delights in making fun of Ford because he is a Chevy fan...which is as my dad says, "his only default," lol, other than that, "He's good"!!
(A bit of LoL)-Now, yesterday at church, before the meetings started, one of our friends ("Whom I wont name, but his initials are Joe C") came up to us and looking at me said, "so, you know, Ford stands for Found On Road Dead!..." to which he and Daniel had a good I rolled my eyes and told him that "being a Ford has Nothing to do with it..." after turning my head he made another wise crack about Fords....So, as he came back by us later on, I told him that "I Forgive him for his sins." (bad Comments about Ford)...To which he denied any sin by declaring, "I haven't sinned because I don't own a Ford, but if I were to own a Ford, then yes, that would be a sin!"
-To those of you who maybe reading this from back home, wouldn't you say that our friend here sounds a bit like Chevy Man John! ;-) LOL...and we all know that he was humbled...And eventually ended up converting to the right way, by getting a Ford!... :-D heehee ;-) LoL!!
Now, for the record, I don't necessarily dislike all Chevy's, for instance, I do like the look of the Chevy Corvettes, the Impala and Malibu's are nice too, but given the choice between these three and a '69 Ford Mustang, 1931 Model A and Explorer, ...I'd definitely go for FORD!!... ;-)
Ps. the ONLY reason that my car (and I can say that it is mine, since Daniel doesn't want to claim ownership of a Ford) is "dead" is because it has a bad battery and/or cables...but what can I say, it's an old happens to the best of them! ;-) All sorts of cars get dead Batteries...not just "Fords!"
...But just so that you know that I don't "just only like Ford," The Saturn Sky Redline (really nice!), 2009 Vue Redline and 2009 Outlook XE FWD aren't too bad either!! ;-) ...and I loved my '89 Buick Century...I never had any problems with it...other than 2 different times when people ran in to it...while it was parked! lol aside from that, it ran smooth, got good gas mileage, and had comfortable seating!!

Yes, my family likes Ford, However, Hubby delights in making fun of Ford because he is a Chevy fan...which is as my dad says, "his only default," lol, other than that, "He's good"!!
(A bit of LoL)-Now, yesterday at church, before the meetings started, one of our friends ("Whom I wont name, but his initials are Joe C") came up to us and looking at me said, "so, you know, Ford stands for Found On Road Dead!..." to which he and Daniel had a good I rolled my eyes and told him that "being a Ford has Nothing to do with it..." after turning my head he made another wise crack about Fords....So, as he came back by us later on, I told him that "I Forgive him for his sins." (bad Comments about Ford)...To which he denied any sin by declaring, "I haven't sinned because I don't own a Ford, but if I were to own a Ford, then yes, that would be a sin!"
-To those of you who maybe reading this from back home, wouldn't you say that our friend here sounds a bit like Chevy Man John! ;-) LOL...and we all know that he was humbled...And eventually ended up converting to the right way, by getting a Ford!... :-D heehee ;-) LoL!!
Now, for the record, I don't necessarily dislike all Chevy's, for instance, I do like the look of the Chevy Corvettes, the Impala and Malibu's are nice too, but given the choice between these three and a '69 Ford Mustang, 1931 Model A and Explorer, ...I'd definitely go for FORD!!... ;-)
Ps. the ONLY reason that my car (and I can say that it is mine, since Daniel doesn't want to claim ownership of a Ford) is "dead" is because it has a bad battery and/or cables...but what can I say, it's an old happens to the best of them! ;-) All sorts of cars get dead Batteries...not just "Fords!"
...But just so that you know that I don't "just only like Ford," The Saturn Sky Redline (really nice!), 2009 Vue Redline and 2009 Outlook XE FWD aren't too bad either!! ;-) ...and I loved my '89 Buick Century...I never had any problems with it...other than 2 different times when people ran in to it...while it was parked! lol aside from that, it ran smooth, got good gas mileage, and had comfortable seating!!

...Daniel & I's Future Date Night Car...
This is the Car that Daniel told me that he wants to get me someday...
My Dad told Daniel that "He'll race him when he gets his Mustang..."
Heehee...We'll see about that...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Ok...So I just decided that I'd put these pics up because I just felt like postin' somethin' of "Back Home," Since I've been thinkin' ALOT about it lately!! ;-) Also, so that Our family and friends that haven't seen "Our Home" in Utah can...
I LOVE little places...they seem to have a more "Secure/Cozy" feeling to least in my own personal Opinion anyway! ;-) ...Although Our "Little" Place back home looks tiny on the outside, it really opens up on the inside!
Daniel and I got this place back in July '08...~Note: Daniel was in Great Lakes, IL at his Advanced Training and I was in UT...We hadn't seen each other since May 24th (the day after he Proposed) and We did not see each other again until 7:30 am The Day We Got Married (Sept. 20th)!...
We decided that it would be "perfect" for us as a "Home Base"...especially since when "we are back home," it'll mostly just be me...(and of course our kids- when we have them). We got it for a smokin' good deal too!! ...AND it is on a piece of property that has been in my family for years and years, in fact, my family and I lived on this property from the time I was a few months old until I was about 4yrs old...(In a different Home-of course).

...This place is was only 10 yrs old when we bought it, and it had only been lived in maybe (about) 10-15 days total...if that! ...both of the people that had owned it before us had bought it as a second house so that they could visit family in town and have a place of their own to stay. -It was very well taken care of...AND IT CAME WITH THE FURNITURE!!! (those of you who have been to Our Apt can understand why I get such a kick outta that!) ~wink, wink~ Lol. Anyway, It is a perfect little home and We love it!
...Don't get me wrong though, We love our Apt's actually bigger than Our place back home! ~heehee~ ...Who would o' thought...! :-)
"It's alright to be little bitty, a little home town or a big ol' city, might as well share, might as well smile! ...Life goes on for a little bitty while..."
...Ain't that the truth!...I'm a "Small Town" kinda Country girl and although I'm livin' in (what seems like) "a big ol' city," I'm still livin' life and enjoying the beauty around me! I am SOOO very thankful for all I've been given! I AM SO BLESSED, and thank my Heavenly Father everyday for the blessings he's brought into my life!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
I LOVE little places...they seem to have a more "Secure/Cozy" feeling to least in my own personal Opinion anyway! ;-) ...Although Our "Little" Place back home looks tiny on the outside, it really opens up on the inside!
Daniel and I got this place back in July '08...~Note: Daniel was in Great Lakes, IL at his Advanced Training and I was in UT...We hadn't seen each other since May 24th (the day after he Proposed) and We did not see each other again until 7:30 am The Day We Got Married (Sept. 20th)!...
We decided that it would be "perfect" for us as a "Home Base"...especially since when "we are back home," it'll mostly just be me...(and of course our kids- when we have them). We got it for a smokin' good deal too!! ...AND it is on a piece of property that has been in my family for years and years, in fact, my family and I lived on this property from the time I was a few months old until I was about 4yrs old...(In a different Home-of course).
...Don't get me wrong though, We love our Apt's actually bigger than Our place back home! ~heehee~ ...Who would o' thought...! :-)
"It's alright to be little bitty, a little home town or a big ol' city, might as well share, might as well smile! ...Life goes on for a little bitty while..."
...Ain't that the truth!...I'm a "Small Town" kinda Country girl and although I'm livin' in (what seems like) "a big ol' city," I'm still livin' life and enjoying the beauty around me! I am SOOO very thankful for all I've been given! I AM SO BLESSED, and thank my Heavenly Father everyday for the blessings he's brought into my life!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
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