I LOVE little places...they seem to have a more "Secure/Cozy" feeling to them...at least in my own personal Opinion anyway! ;-) ...Although Our "Little" Place back home looks tiny on the outside, it really opens up on the inside!
Daniel and I got this place back in July '08...~Note: Daniel was in Great Lakes, IL at his Advanced Training and I was in UT...We hadn't seen each other since May 24th (the day after he Proposed) and We did not see each other again until 7:30 am The Day We Got Married (Sept. 20th)!...
We decided that it would be "perfect" for us as a "Home Base"...especially since when "we are back home," it'll mostly just be me...(and of course our kids- when we have them). We got it for a smokin' good deal too!! ...AND it is on a piece of property that has been in my family for years and years, in fact, my family and I lived on this property from the time I was a few months old until I was about 4yrs old...(In a different Home-of course).
...Don't get me wrong though, We love our Apt too...lol...it's actually bigger than Our place back home! ~heehee~ ...Who would o' thought...! :-)
"It's alright to be little bitty, a little home town or a big ol' city, might as well share, might as well smile! ...Life goes on for a little bitty while..."
...Ain't that the truth!...I'm a "Small Town" kinda Country girl and although I'm livin' in (what seems like) "a big ol' city," I'm still livin' life and enjoying the beauty around me! I am SOOO very thankful for all I've been given! I AM SO BLESSED, and thank my Heavenly Father everyday for the blessings he's brought into my life!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
Very cute and cozy! Want a big ol' town? My old one just doubled in size it seems recently and is now a huge ol' place! It went from population 935,000+ in 1990 when I was in HS and it was #9 on the national list to 1.3 million+ in 2007 and #7 on the list. Crazy! But that's only in city limits--there's TONS of the city still outside the limits too! Now you see why I think p-town is itty bitty? :)
lol, yeah! Wowzerz...that's Crazy!!
I'm glad that B'town & P-town are as small as they are!!...I told Daniel the other day that when I look Downtown I don't feel as intimidated by the size as when I see Downtown Salt Lake or Atlanta!
Cute place. I bet you're excited to settle down there. See ya Tuesday!
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