Thursday, January 29, 2009

Journey of The Cliff Hanger

*As mentioned in #13 of my previous post (25 Random Things)
...I've had requests for the "Whole story" so here it is:

I was on a double date-we all went to Browns Canyon to go Repelling...
I was the 3rd person to go down, and as I was going down, I would go out and come back towards the cliffside, and once as I was coming back, I started to turn backwards-so, to stop myself from smacking into the side of the cliff, I let go of the rope with my right hand (my stopper hand) But then I not only started turning, I also started falling...then my Ponytail got caught in the Rope & the 8-ring and jurked my head around so far that I could see straight behind friends said that if I'd moved just right or twisted my head just a hair further, I would've snapped my neck...
My 2 friends that were already at the bottom held the rope tight so that I wouldn't fall any further, and called the guy at the top to come down and hold it so that the other guy could climb back up to the top to hook up the other Rope. After they got the other rope hooked up, my friend climbed into the cubby-hole in the side of the cliff next to me and unclipped me from the rope I was on and clipped me to the otehr one so that the tention would be less while the guys held be up (also to release the tention)...
They all told me that I could cry and that they wouldn't laugh at me for doing so, but I couldn't help but to Laugh because I kept imagining a fish dangling on a hook, helpless...and that's how I felt!! Not to mention I felt like an idiot because I'd forgotten to tuck my pony tail into my shirt before I went down...(my hair at that time was down to my waist!)...When I asked if someone had a knife, they all said that they weren't going to cut my hair because "it is so beautiful!" ...I told them I didn't care, that it would grow back, but my neck wouldn'
Then being as stubborn as I am, I didn't go to the Doctor for a month after that...and they didn't find anything wrong, but since my left shoulder was hurting so much, they put me in a sling for 2 weeks...8 months later, when I went to the Chiropracter, we found out that I had a Vertibrate (however you spell it) out of place! LOL...
AND believe it or not, (my mom couldn't believe it)-I was invited to go Repelling the very next day (after my accident)...AND I WENT!!!!... What can I say, I love repelling!!

Moral of the story...BE PREPARED!! ;-)

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