Monday, January 19, 2009

A Day of Service and Fun Memories Made

This morning, Daniel & I met up with a few of the guys on Base and went to a Baptist Church to help with a few Service Projects...
When we got there, we all got our name tags and went into a room where they had all sorts of games and things for kids to color...We all found a kid or kids and played games or colored with them...
Then we all went into the big meeting room for a special reading by a student from one of the local schools and a presentation that had Martin Luther King, JR quotes in it.
The Pastor then introduced the Choir and talked about What today was and how it reminds him of Christmas...He talked about how alot of/most people when they take down and throw out their Christmas tree, they throw out their Christmas Spirit along with it...and we should strive to keep that spirit, the spirit of service, all year 'round!
Then he asked the Choir to sing a Christmas song for us while some of the kids danced...It was lovely!
After that, they split us up into 4 groups and told each group what "station" to go to...
there were 4 stations-Letters to Soldiers or The President-Elect, Painting Flower Pots to take to the Nursing Home, Painting Murals and "Book Signing" (they had some books that were donated/bought, and we wrote notes in them so that when a kid got that book, they'd get a special message too).
We all had an opportunity to go to each Station because they did them in rotations, and after the last rotation, we all met in the big meeting room again for another short message, then the Pastor dismissed us each by age (starting with the girls than the boys at each age group) to go to the other room for Pizza.

It was fun to get to meet all those sweet little ones, make new friends and acquaintances, etc!

1 comment:

Krista said...

What a very good way to spend this holiday. Good fer y'all!