Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Journey through "25 Random Things..."

1. I once went cliff jumping at Lake Powell-jumped of 20-30 ft cliffs!-it was FUN!!!

2. I've drivin' across the US twice...With my Dad!! (Once was in a Fire-truck!)

3. I've known my Husband since Oct 12th, 2004, but I only saw him (in person) a total of about 17 days in the 3 yrs before we got married!

4. Daniel asked me to be his girlfriend on Feb. 29th, 2008 (Yes, the 29th!!) (only saw each other for 4 days that weekend)

5. Daniel Proposed on May 23rd, 2008 (saw each other 2 days that weekend!)

6. The first time I saw Daniel after the weekend that he Proposed to me was on September 20th, 2008 at 7:30 am....THE DAY WE GOT MARRIED!!!

7.On the 10th day of our "Honeymoon,"(Sept. 30th) I dropped Daniel off at the SLC Airport at 8:30 am so he could head out to VA to report for his next set of Training/School for the Navy...and to find an apt.

8. I like to go Rock climbing/Repelling...even after my experience refered to in one of the following #'s!!

9. The day after Our 1 month anniversary was our 3 week anniversary of not seeing each other-I arrived in VA (To Daniel's Surprise) 3 days after Our 1 mo. and 4 days earlier than He had planned!!!

10. Numbers 3-9 are all True and yet I don't feel bad or ask for anyone to feel bad about it! ;-) It's how our relationship has been from the get-go and is the Only "Married Life" that we know (and will know for the next 20-35 yrs)...

11. I Love Photography!!

12. I absolutely LOVE being Outdoors!!...MTNs, Cliffs/Canyons, Beaches...

13.I've Hung on the side of a cliff for about 30-45 mins (about 6 ft above the ground) by my Hair!! (for more info. you can ask later...IT WAS AN HONEST ACCIDENT...)

14. I ran FULL SPEED into the LOCKED Door at WORK once, and got thrown about 4-5 feet back and landed on my Back-Laughin' so hard that I couldn't get up, and my Boss about fell on top of me when she came around the corner (laughing just about as hard as I was!)-my nose started bleeding like crazy, but it didn't hurt until the next day! (ALL BECAUSE I was TRYING to ANSWER MY CELL PH-note: I had just gotten off work)

15. The Friday before my "Cliff hanger experience," the front right tire on the mini van that I was driving blew out on the Highway! started raining on me as I started walkin' into town. Friends saw me walkin'-gave me a ride...Dad & I were SOAKED by the time he finished changin' the tire-"isn't it Ironic" was playin' on the radio when I got back in the Van!

16. The Tues. before my "Cliff hanger experience" (note: these 3 events happened about 5-6 yrs ago) A car backed into my while I was stopped at a stop sign!-only made a small crack on the front left light lens of my (at the time) '89 Buick Century!

17. On April 5th, 2006- a pickup truck backed into/onto me while I was stopped behind a bus at a stop sign (He came up on my Hood)-no injuries except to the hood of my car! -my (at the time) 5yr old brother was sittin' in the backseat and asked "why are we pulling over here?" ...I told him what happened and that we had to wait for the police man to come talk to us...he then said, "Oh, ok!" and went back to eatin' his candy and looking at his papers from school!-lol

18. I completely paid off the loan on my Neon around the end of march, beginning of April (2007)-One month later, I put a New Set ($300 worth) of tires on it, re-reg. it and had only gone about 500 miles when it left me sitting on the side of the road! LOL (a 4-5 hr drive turned into about a 12-14 hr trip!)

19. My Sr Year in High School, I was working 2 part time jobs, had 2 High School classes and a Full College Schedule (not including Institute, Church and Family Activities!)

20. I love Poetry and enjoy writing it!! -most of my Poems are based on my feelings/memories & about 99% Rhyme!-What can I say? ...I talk in Rhymes all the time! ;-)

21. I Love to Draw-I have 5 reasons (or times) that I Draw: 1)for Fun 2)as a "getaway"-when about to over flow with emotions 3)Assignment 4)tune-out what's going on around me-usually during classes that go against my belief's etc and 5)to Clear my mind, so I can Focus on what's going on during a lecture etc

22. My 25th Wedding Anniversary will be the Same Year as my Parents' 50th!!

23. I am the eldest of 5 Children-I have 3 younger brothers and one baby sister...the 2 brothers' closer to me in age are both Taller than me...and my parents!

24. I've had 4 Poems published (and have 3 of the 4 books)-I've received a Silver Bowl Award and a Bronze Medal-Poet of Merit Award-both for one of my Poems.

25. I like playing my Alto Saxophone and hope to someday get a Soprano Saxophone!

I was tagged on Facebook to do this, so I did and decided to post it here too(copy/paste)-and now I Tag YOU!!! mwahaha ;-) Heehee...(although I really don't expect you to do it, it is fun to see peoples different "Randomnesses!" ;-) -no pressure though... heehee ;-)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

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