It seems like just yesterday when I first became a big sister!...And now, 20 yrs later my little bro has grown into a "bigger" little brother-Standing at about 6'2" and one of the funnest guys I know! He is a loving daddy of the worlds cutest Bubby and has a beautiful wife who loves him!

We'd build forts in various parts of the house, use our blankets as hammocks or super hero capes or drape one of mom's big blankets over the couch and go "sleding..."
Looking back through the years I can remeber a number of "adventures" we had together as a couple of knee-high mischief makers!..

We'd build forts in various parts of the house, use our blankets as hammocks or super hero capes or drape one of mom's big blankets over the couch and go "sleding..."
...Bein' mud monsters (pictured: Blain & Micheal)...
...One time we built cars out of boxes and set up boxes in the front yard to have "box races" (like doing the barrels on horses only with boxes)...we were also robo-boxes....jpg)


HaPpY bIrThDaY BlAiN!!!
Love you tons!! Hope you have a good birthday!! Hugs to ya!!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
Happy Birthday Blain!
oh those are sweet memories of being so young with your family
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