*As mentioned in #13 of my previous post (25 Random Things)
...I've had requests for the "Whole story" so here it is:
I was on a double date-we all went to Browns Canyon to go Repelling...
I was the 3rd person to go down, and as I was going down, I would go out and come back towards the cliffside, and once as I was coming back, I started to turn backwards-so, to stop myself from smacking into the side of the cliff, I let go of the rope with my right hand (my stopper hand) But then I not only started turning, I also started falling...then my Ponytail got caught in the Rope & the 8-ring and jurked my head around so far that I could see straight behind me...my friends said that if I'd moved just right or twisted my head just a hair further, I would've snapped my neck...
My 2 friends that were already at the bottom held the rope tight so that I wouldn't fall any further, and called the guy at the top to come down and hold it so that the other guy could climb back up to the top to hook up the other Rope. After they got the other rope hooked up, my friend climbed into the cubby-hole in the side of the cliff next to me and unclipped me from the rope I was on and clipped me to the otehr one so that the tention would be less while the guys held be up (also to release the tention)...
They all told me that I could cry and that they wouldn't laugh at me for doing so, but I couldn't help but to Laugh because I kept imagining a fish dangling on a hook, helpless...and that's how I felt!! Not to mention I felt like an idiot because I'd forgotten to tuck my pony tail into my shirt before I went down...(my hair at that time was down to my waist!)...When I asked if someone had a knife, they all said that they weren't going to cut my hair because "it is so beautiful!" ...I told them I didn't care, that it would grow back, but my neck wouldn't...lol
Then being as stubborn as I am, I didn't go to the Doctor for a month after that...and they didn't find anything wrong, but since my left shoulder was hurting so much, they put me in a sling for 2 weeks...8 months later, when I went to the Chiropracter, we found out that I had a Vertibrate (however you spell it) out of place! LOL...
AND believe it or not, (my mom couldn't believe it)-I was invited to go Repelling the very next day (after my accident)...AND I WENT!!!!... What can I say, I love repelling!!
Moral of the story...BE PREPARED!! ;-)
Please leave a nice comment so we know you were able to see our updates...Thank you :-) ~Lace
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Brownies from Scratch...
So, this evening, I baked some Brownies from scratch-after I put the mixture in the pan, I decided to "carve" a Heart on the top, then pressed 4 Hershey's (Dark Chocolate) Kisses along one side of the pan. ...They turned out Yummy!!...
I've decided that I like baking...lol...my little brother "Cubby" once 'got after me' asking why I waited until after I got married and moved away before I started baking!??!?!??...
(That of course was after I had baked some Bread, Rolls, Cookies, etc...) lol!!!
...One thing that's nice about baking is that once you've put "it" in the oven and turned the timer on, you can work on other tasks around the house...unlike cooking which calls for a little more attention...lol...therefore you're more tempted to "keep taste testing" during the preparation process!...
~Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!! ;-)
I've decided that I like baking...lol...my little brother "Cubby" once 'got after me' asking why I waited until after I got married and moved away before I started baking!??!?!??...
(That of course was after I had baked some Bread, Rolls, Cookies, etc...) lol!!!
...One thing that's nice about baking is that once you've put "it" in the oven and turned the timer on, you can work on other tasks around the house...unlike cooking which calls for a little more attention...lol...therefore you're more tempted to "keep taste testing" during the preparation process!...
~Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!! ;-)
Journey through "25 Random Things..."
1. I once went cliff jumping at Lake Powell-jumped of 20-30 ft cliffs!-it was FUN!!!
2. I've drivin' across the US twice...With my Dad!! (Once was in a Fire-truck!)
3. I've known my Husband since Oct 12th, 2004, but I only saw him (in person) a total of about 17 days in the 3 yrs before we got married!
4. Daniel asked me to be his girlfriend on Feb. 29th, 2008 (Yes, the 29th!!) (only saw each other for 4 days that weekend)
5. Daniel Proposed on May 23rd, 2008 (saw each other 2 days that weekend!)
6. The first time I saw Daniel after the weekend that he Proposed to me was on September 20th, 2008 at 7:30 am....THE DAY WE GOT MARRIED!!!
7.On the 10th day of our "Honeymoon,"(Sept. 30th) I dropped Daniel off at the SLC Airport at 8:30 am so he could head out to VA to report for his next set of Training/School for the Navy...and to find an apt.
8. I like to go Rock climbing/Repelling...even after my experience refered to in one of the following #'s!!
9. The day after Our 1 month anniversary was our 3 week anniversary of not seeing each other-I arrived in VA (To Daniel's Surprise) 3 days after Our 1 mo. and 4 days earlier than He had planned!!!
10. Numbers 3-9 are all True and yet I don't feel bad or ask for anyone to feel bad about it! ;-) It's how our relationship has been from the get-go and is the Only "Married Life" that we know (and will know for the next 20-35 yrs)...
11. I Love Photography!!
12. I absolutely LOVE being Outdoors!!...MTNs, Cliffs/Canyons, Beaches...
13.I've Hung on the side of a cliff for about 30-45 mins (about 6 ft above the ground) by my Hair!! (for more info. you can ask later...IT WAS AN HONEST ACCIDENT...)
14. I ran FULL SPEED into the LOCKED Door at WORK once, and got thrown about 4-5 feet back and landed on my Back-Laughin' so hard that I couldn't get up, and my Boss about fell on top of me when she came around the corner (laughing just about as hard as I was!)-my nose started bleeding like crazy, but it didn't hurt until the next day! (ALL BECAUSE I was TRYING to ANSWER MY CELL PH-note: I had just gotten off work)
15. The Friday before my "Cliff hanger experience," the front right tire on the mini van that I was driving blew out on the Highway!...it started raining on me as I started walkin' into town. Friends saw me walkin'-gave me a ride...Dad & I were SOAKED by the time he finished changin' the tire-"isn't it Ironic" was playin' on the radio when I got back in the Van!
16. The Tues. before my "Cliff hanger experience" (note: these 3 events happened about 5-6 yrs ago) A car backed into my while I was stopped at a stop sign!-only made a small crack on the front left light lens of my (at the time) '89 Buick Century!
17. On April 5th, 2006- a pickup truck backed into/onto me while I was stopped behind a bus at a stop sign (He came up on my Hood)-no injuries except to the hood of my car! -my (at the time) 5yr old brother was sittin' in the backseat and asked "why are we pulling over here?" ...I told him what happened and that we had to wait for the police man to come talk to us...he then said, "Oh, ok!" and went back to eatin' his candy and looking at his papers from school!-lol
18. I completely paid off the loan on my Neon around the end of march, beginning of April (2007)-One month later, I put a New Set ($300 worth) of tires on it, re-reg. it and had only gone about 500 miles when it left me sitting on the side of the road! LOL (a 4-5 hr drive turned into about a 12-14 hr trip!)
19. My Sr Year in High School, I was working 2 part time jobs, had 2 High School classes and a Full College Schedule (not including Institute, Church and Family Activities!)
20. I love Poetry and enjoy writing it!! -most of my Poems are based on my feelings/memories & about 99% Rhyme!-What can I say? ...I talk in Rhymes all the time! ;-)
21. I Love to Draw-I have 5 reasons (or times) that I Draw: 1)for Fun 2)as a "getaway"-when about to over flow with emotions 3)Assignment 4)tune-out what's going on around me-usually during classes that go against my belief's etc and 5)to Clear my mind, so I can Focus on what's going on during a lecture etc
22. My 25th Wedding Anniversary will be the Same Year as my Parents' 50th!!
23. I am the eldest of 5 Children-I have 3 younger brothers and one baby sister...the 2 brothers' closer to me in age are both Taller than me...and my parents!
24. I've had 4 Poems published (and have 3 of the 4 books)-I've received a Silver Bowl Award and a Bronze Medal-Poet of Merit Award-both for one of my Poems.
25. I like playing my Alto Saxophone and hope to someday get a Soprano Saxophone!
2. I've drivin' across the US twice...With my Dad!! (Once was in a Fire-truck!)
3. I've known my Husband since Oct 12th, 2004, but I only saw him (in person) a total of about 17 days in the 3 yrs before we got married!
4. Daniel asked me to be his girlfriend on Feb. 29th, 2008 (Yes, the 29th!!) (only saw each other for 4 days that weekend)
5. Daniel Proposed on May 23rd, 2008 (saw each other 2 days that weekend!)
6. The first time I saw Daniel after the weekend that he Proposed to me was on September 20th, 2008 at 7:30 am....THE DAY WE GOT MARRIED!!!
7.On the 10th day of our "Honeymoon,"(Sept. 30th) I dropped Daniel off at the SLC Airport at 8:30 am so he could head out to VA to report for his next set of Training/School for the Navy...and to find an apt.
8. I like to go Rock climbing/Repelling...even after my experience refered to in one of the following #'s!!
9. The day after Our 1 month anniversary was our 3 week anniversary of not seeing each other-I arrived in VA (To Daniel's Surprise) 3 days after Our 1 mo. and 4 days earlier than He had planned!!!
10. Numbers 3-9 are all True and yet I don't feel bad or ask for anyone to feel bad about it! ;-) It's how our relationship has been from the get-go and is the Only "Married Life" that we know (and will know for the next 20-35 yrs)...
11. I Love Photography!!
12. I absolutely LOVE being Outdoors!!...MTNs, Cliffs/Canyons, Beaches...
13.I've Hung on the side of a cliff for about 30-45 mins (about 6 ft above the ground) by my Hair!! (for more info. you can ask later...IT WAS AN HONEST ACCIDENT...)
14. I ran FULL SPEED into the LOCKED Door at WORK once, and got thrown about 4-5 feet back and landed on my Back-Laughin' so hard that I couldn't get up, and my Boss about fell on top of me when she came around the corner (laughing just about as hard as I was!)-my nose started bleeding like crazy, but it didn't hurt until the next day! (ALL BECAUSE I was TRYING to ANSWER MY CELL PH-note: I had just gotten off work)
15. The Friday before my "Cliff hanger experience," the front right tire on the mini van that I was driving blew out on the Highway!...it started raining on me as I started walkin' into town. Friends saw me walkin'-gave me a ride...Dad & I were SOAKED by the time he finished changin' the tire-"isn't it Ironic" was playin' on the radio when I got back in the Van!
16. The Tues. before my "Cliff hanger experience" (note: these 3 events happened about 5-6 yrs ago) A car backed into my while I was stopped at a stop sign!-only made a small crack on the front left light lens of my (at the time) '89 Buick Century!
17. On April 5th, 2006- a pickup truck backed into/onto me while I was stopped behind a bus at a stop sign (He came up on my Hood)-no injuries except to the hood of my car! -my (at the time) 5yr old brother was sittin' in the backseat and asked "why are we pulling over here?" ...I told him what happened and that we had to wait for the police man to come talk to us...he then said, "Oh, ok!" and went back to eatin' his candy and looking at his papers from school!-lol
18. I completely paid off the loan on my Neon around the end of march, beginning of April (2007)-One month later, I put a New Set ($300 worth) of tires on it, re-reg. it and had only gone about 500 miles when it left me sitting on the side of the road! LOL (a 4-5 hr drive turned into about a 12-14 hr trip!)
19. My Sr Year in High School, I was working 2 part time jobs, had 2 High School classes and a Full College Schedule (not including Institute, Church and Family Activities!)
20. I love Poetry and enjoy writing it!! -most of my Poems are based on my feelings/memories & about 99% Rhyme!-What can I say? ...I talk in Rhymes all the time! ;-)
21. I Love to Draw-I have 5 reasons (or times) that I Draw: 1)for Fun 2)as a "getaway"-when about to over flow with emotions 3)Assignment 4)tune-out what's going on around me-usually during classes that go against my belief's etc and 5)to Clear my mind, so I can Focus on what's going on during a lecture etc
22. My 25th Wedding Anniversary will be the Same Year as my Parents' 50th!!
23. I am the eldest of 5 Children-I have 3 younger brothers and one baby sister...the 2 brothers' closer to me in age are both Taller than me...and my parents!
24. I've had 4 Poems published (and have 3 of the 4 books)-I've received a Silver Bowl Award and a Bronze Medal-Poet of Merit Award-both for one of my Poems.
25. I like playing my Alto Saxophone and hope to someday get a Soprano Saxophone!
I was tagged on Facebook to do this, so I did and decided to post it here too(copy/paste)-and now I Tag YOU!!! mwahaha ;-) Heehee...(although I really don't expect you to do it, it is fun to see peoples different "Randomnesses!" ;-) -no pressure though... heehee ;-)
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Daniel got his new Orders!!!
As the story goes...
When the day came to "pick Orders," Daniel called to let me know what "choices there were," ...Rhode Island, Florida, North Carolina, Washington State, Wash. DC, Norfolk or Portsmouth VA. ...He knew that from the beginning, I've wanted to Stay Here, but wanted to let me know what other "options" there were...
By the time it was Daniel's turn to put in his Request as to where He would like, (since everyone else had chose to stay "Stateside,") The only options were: Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Italy or Portsmouth 8404 ("Greenside" a.k.a Marine)...So, given the fact that if he were to go Overseas, I'd have to stay Here in the States until he reached the Rank of an E4 or Higher, and because he knew how bad I wanted to Stay Here, he requested Portsmouth...
We then had to wait until the next week to see what the final Orders received would be...
~I, along with some friends/family, had been hopin' and prayin' that we could stay Here~
AND...We got what we had Asked for!! ("Ask and ye shall receive...")
So, it is with great joy and happiness (and gratitude in my heart), I announce that we will be staying Here in Portsmouth for the next 3-5 years!!! :-D
For those who may be reading this and who don't already know, Daniel has been in Pharmacy Tech. School out Here with the Navy, and since he will be going "Greenside," He will be going to a Marine Training School for a couple of months sometime this year (waiting for the "Paper copy" of his Orders-they will say when) and he will be Serving as a Corpsman (Medic) for the Marines.
This means that he will be working at the Hospital on Base, and when the Marine group that he is placed with gets Deployed, He will go with them. In some ways, this is a blessing, because we will know ahead of time as to when he will be Deployed, because they have a Scheduled Deployment that they go by.
So, when he does get deployed, he'll be gone anywhere from 6-18 months at a time. But but law, they have to allow them to come back home for a time, to re coop, etc before heading out again.
I am so grateful to have the blessings of the Gospel in my life!
I've heard people say, regarding the times of Separation, "that's gotta be hard," or "I don't know how you do it,"...Honestly, all I have to say to these types of comments are that I know that Heavenly Father is with Us, watching over and protecting Us, we have invited Him into our lives, and No Matter How long we are a part, for whatever the reason, the Time that we will have together will Always be longer!...
Because Heavenly Father has a beautiful Plan, He knows what's best for us and has provided a way for us (Families) to be Together Forever if we live righteously and do our part through obedience to his commandments, then we can be together for Eternity!
I Know This is True, and I Believe it with ALL my heart!! I am not worried about what the future may hold, only that I will do my best to do my part of His will so that we can and will be together forever!
Thank you for your love and support!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
When the day came to "pick Orders," Daniel called to let me know what "choices there were," ...Rhode Island, Florida, North Carolina, Washington State, Wash. DC, Norfolk or Portsmouth VA. ...He knew that from the beginning, I've wanted to Stay Here, but wanted to let me know what other "options" there were...
By the time it was Daniel's turn to put in his Request as to where He would like, (since everyone else had chose to stay "Stateside,") The only options were: Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Italy or Portsmouth 8404 ("Greenside" a.k.a Marine)...So, given the fact that if he were to go Overseas, I'd have to stay Here in the States until he reached the Rank of an E4 or Higher, and because he knew how bad I wanted to Stay Here, he requested Portsmouth...
We then had to wait until the next week to see what the final Orders received would be...
~I, along with some friends/family, had been hopin' and prayin' that we could stay Here~
AND...We got what we had Asked for!! ("Ask and ye shall receive...")
So, it is with great joy and happiness (and gratitude in my heart), I announce that we will be staying Here in Portsmouth for the next 3-5 years!!! :-D
For those who may be reading this and who don't already know, Daniel has been in Pharmacy Tech. School out Here with the Navy, and since he will be going "Greenside," He will be going to a Marine Training School for a couple of months sometime this year (waiting for the "Paper copy" of his Orders-they will say when) and he will be Serving as a Corpsman (Medic) for the Marines.
This means that he will be working at the Hospital on Base, and when the Marine group that he is placed with gets Deployed, He will go with them. In some ways, this is a blessing, because we will know ahead of time as to when he will be Deployed, because they have a Scheduled Deployment that they go by.
So, when he does get deployed, he'll be gone anywhere from 6-18 months at a time. But but law, they have to allow them to come back home for a time, to re coop, etc before heading out again.
I am so grateful to have the blessings of the Gospel in my life!
I've heard people say, regarding the times of Separation, "that's gotta be hard," or "I don't know how you do it,"...Honestly, all I have to say to these types of comments are that I know that Heavenly Father is with Us, watching over and protecting Us, we have invited Him into our lives, and No Matter How long we are a part, for whatever the reason, the Time that we will have together will Always be longer!...
Because Heavenly Father has a beautiful Plan, He knows what's best for us and has provided a way for us (Families) to be Together Forever if we live righteously and do our part through obedience to his commandments, then we can be together for Eternity!
I Know This is True, and I Believe it with ALL my heart!! I am not worried about what the future may hold, only that I will do my best to do my part of His will so that we can and will be together forever!
Thank you for your love and support!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Journey of the Giant Snowman...
So...I checked the mail yesterday and found a copy of The Blue Mountain Panorama-News Paper from Back Home-(Thanks Mom & Dad!!)...Anywho, This Giant (17'4" tall) Snowman was on the front page!! According to the article, the head weighed about 300 lbs and his Hat is made from a garbage can!! Now isn't that just simply one of The COOLEST things you've ever seen!?!?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dedicated to The One I Love...
We've been Married for 4 months now and are still Loving Life! ;-)
Daniel never ceases to amaze me...He takes such good care of me and treats me like a Queen...I am SO Blessed to have him in my life!
Since this is Our 4 Month Anniversary, I wanted to express my love and appreciation by writing a poem for My Hubby...Dedicated to The One I Love is Our Story...it's as we like to call it, A Real-Life Fairy Tale:
You first came into my life on October 12th, 2004
when your sister Janett introduced us,
I remember it as if it were just yesterday...
...They asked you to say the closing prayer that night at Institute...
you asked if you could say it in Portuguese
since you'd just gotten home from serving your Mission in Campinas, Brazil
and it was much easier for you than English...
After the prayer, I remember thinkin' that it was a beautiful prayer
and thought that you seemed like a pretty great guy...
...Then one of my best friends introduced me to you,
"Daniel, this is my friend Lacey," Janett said, "Lacey, this is my brother Daniel!"
She was so happy to be around you and proud of you...I could see how much she loved you!
...And when we shook hands, a feeling shot through me...
and I knew that we would someday be together...
But it wasn't until around the year 2007 that
that feeling came back to me...
...At that time, I was trying to figure out what Heavenly Father had in His Plan for me...
...as I continued to pray for help and guidance in choosing Who I should be with,
clouded memories, shadowed feelings and forgotten thoughts started resurfacing...
...Mixed emotions and feelings flooded my heart as memories flew at me from both sides-
filling my mind with explainations and reasons why things went the way they did...
and then, out of the blue, it hit me...
Heavenly Father had answered so many of my prayers in so many ways...
some were unexpected, some were unexplainable,
but they all began to make sense...
Surely, Heavenly Father knows what he is doing!...
I can look back now, and see His hand in it from the beginning...
lessons were learned, feelings turned and emotions burned,
but He was there the whole time...
Watching over us...and in His own time and way,
he brought us to that Beautiful day...
But as we are human, we saw things as we were-
You were in Georgia and I was in Utah...
friends from the beginning,
we kept in touch through the years,
and when you came to Blanding to visit,
You're family always invited me...
That once or twice a year when you came to visit,
was something I always looked forward too!...
We'd hang out and go on an occational date...
Then in December 2007, when you came,
you put your arm around me...
while we were watching a movie at my parents...
wow! I was excited and amazed!
(Since Mom was on one side of the room, and Dad on the other!)
Soon, we were holding hands...I was shocked and happy!
...when you left, without asking me to be your girlfriend,
I figured it wouldn't be long, so I continued waiting...
Febuary 2008 came so fast-
we got to see eachother for an hour in St. Louis,
enough time for us to take a short drive, pick up something to eat and head back...
again, still just as friends,
So, I waited...
That weekend, when I got back to Blanding from my business trip,
you were there!
You came on the 28th and asked me to be your girlfriend on the 29th!
"Finally," they all said, when we told our families and friends...
...We got to see eachother for 3 more days...
then on the 4th day, I got off work just in time to catch a quick goodbye hug...
and you were off...
You were supossed to report to Basic Training in Great Lakes, IL
on March 10th, so you had to head out to get ready...
When you got there they told you that you'd have to hold off for 3 more weeks...
so in Georgia you stayed and I in Utah...
On the phone most of the day-when I got off work...
we'd talk for hours or text off and on...
On April 1st, You went in to Basic Training,
-no pun intended...!
And those 2 weeks without any comunication...
they were sooo long...
then, I got my first letter from you!!
...I did quite the jig when I got it...my family thought I'd lost!...
So, for the next couple of months, we continued writting...
On the 22nd of May, my parents and I flew into Chicago and headed to Great Lakes...
I was so excited and ancheous to see you again,
I thought I was going to burst!!
On the 23rd we went to your Graduation,
and it was awesome!...
...When the voice on the inner com said that we could now come find our Sailors,
I took off so fast that mom and I lost dad for a minute...
and the longer it took for me to find you, the more ancheous I got!...
It was that evening, May 23rd, that you Proposed to me...
I'll never forget that day!
We were cuddled up watchin' a movie,
when you said somethin' about after we were married...
then as if you were thinkin' out loud,
you said, "I guess I should ask you formally..."
...I decided to play innocent by responding, "ask me what....?"
"Will you marry me?"
You looked so cute....
"Of Course! ...I mean, YES! I Will Marry You!" I answered...
For the last hour of that day together,
before we dropped you off on Base,
we told my parents...as if they didn't already know!!
And then, in the Mustang, we cuddled up and visited...
The next day we picked out my ring...
then while we were at the Mall,
we got it resized while we went to the movie...
passing through the Hall of Mirrors,
we stopped and got Our "Eternal Perspective" Picture!
That evening when we dropped you off on Base,
that last warm embrace, tender kiss and sweet sad look in your eyes,
I knew you loved me...and you missed me already...As those were the same feelings I felt!
...We continued writing and texting too...
since at your Advanced Training School,
you were able to have your phone with you...
It was SOOO nice to have communication again!!
...The Months went by slowly, but before we knew it,
Our Day had come...
We were so excited to see each other again...
it was the first time we saw each other since May 24th,
and would be the last time we saw each other as an "engaged couple"
because it was September 20th!....and we were on Our way to The Temple
in Monticello to be Sealed for Time and Eternity!!
...It was a beautiful day full of wonderful memories!...
From sleepin' in, to rushing to make it on time...
which we did...
but the person who was supossed to meet us,
to help us get our marriage license, never showed up...
Brother Johnson from Blanding came to our rescue though...
and we made it to the Temple...only 50 minutes behind schedule...
We all had a good laugh...
Matt and Raina made a wonderful meal for the Family Luncheon
at which a number of other wonderful people helped out...
The Reception was long, but well worth it!
We didn't get to sit once that evening...
but all the many wonderful smiles,
family and friends came to share their love and support...
We cut the cake and creamed each other...
then we had the Father/Daughter Dance...
afterwhich You and I danced to Our song
"From Here To Eternity" by Michael Peterson...
I threw the boque and you threw the garder...
Then you threw me over your shoulder and out the door we went!!!
I Love You Honey! Thank you for All You Do!!
A Day of Service and Fun Memories Made
This morning, Daniel & I met up with a few of the guys on Base and went to a Baptist Church to help with a few Service Projects...
When we got there, we all got our name tags and went into a room where they had all sorts of games and things for kids to color...We all found a kid or kids and played games or colored with them...
Then we all went into the big meeting room for a special reading by a student from one of the local schools and a presentation that had Martin Luther King, JR quotes in it.
The Pastor then introduced the Choir and talked about What today was and how it reminds him of Christmas...He talked about how alot of/most people when they take down and throw out their Christmas tree, they throw out their Christmas Spirit along with it...and we should strive to keep that spirit, the spirit of service, all year 'round!
Then he asked the Choir to sing a Christmas song for us while some of the kids danced...It was lovely!
After that, they split us up into 4 groups and told each group what "station" to go to...
there were 4 stations-Letters to Soldiers or The President-Elect, Painting Flower Pots to take to the Nursing Home, Painting Murals and "Book Signing" (they had some books that were donated/bought, and we wrote notes in them so that when a kid got that book, they'd get a special message too).
We all had an opportunity to go to each Station because they did them in rotations, and after the last rotation, we all met in the big meeting room again for another short message, then the Pastor dismissed us each by age (starting with the girls than the boys at each age group) to go to the other room for Pizza.
It was fun to get to meet all those sweet little ones, make new friends and acquaintances, etc!
When we got there, we all got our name tags and went into a room where they had all sorts of games and things for kids to color...We all found a kid or kids and played games or colored with them...
Then we all went into the big meeting room for a special reading by a student from one of the local schools and a presentation that had Martin Luther King, JR quotes in it.
The Pastor then introduced the Choir and talked about What today was and how it reminds him of Christmas...He talked about how alot of/most people when they take down and throw out their Christmas tree, they throw out their Christmas Spirit along with it...and we should strive to keep that spirit, the spirit of service, all year 'round!
Then he asked the Choir to sing a Christmas song for us while some of the kids danced...It was lovely!
After that, they split us up into 4 groups and told each group what "station" to go to...
there were 4 stations-Letters to Soldiers or The President-Elect, Painting Flower Pots to take to the Nursing Home, Painting Murals and "Book Signing" (they had some books that were donated/bought, and we wrote notes in them so that when a kid got that book, they'd get a special message too).
We all had an opportunity to go to each Station because they did them in rotations, and after the last rotation, we all met in the big meeting room again for another short message, then the Pastor dismissed us each by age (starting with the girls than the boys at each age group) to go to the other room for Pizza.
It was fun to get to meet all those sweet little ones, make new friends and acquaintances, etc!
Life's Gr8!!

...I want to make mine one that will be full of Memories...and one that when I get to "The Pearly Gates," I can look my Heavenly Father in the eye and answer with all honesty that I lived a good life...That I have lived my life with all my heart, tried my hardest and did my best...and humbly asked for help with the rest...
I know that Good times and Good Friends make Sweet Memories,
"Tough times never last, tough people do," and if we welcome The Lord into our lives and "walk with Him" through life, that the "though times" really wont be that bad-they might seem like it at the time, but looking back, you realize they really weren't!
Keep Smilin'!! Life's Gr8!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Celebratin' the New Year
Our friends, Joe and Roxanne, invited us over for dinner and games as we celebrated the New Year, We got there around 7 pm and left just before 3 am!!...and we had a blast!
We played Scattegories, Catch Phrase (boys vs girls...and Yes, the girls won!!)-lol heehee, and Yahtzee. Unfortunately I forgot my camera-believe it or not, I know, shame one me~slap my hand~! So, sorry I don't have any pic's. ~Thank you Joe & Roxanne for a fun night!
We played Scattegories, Catch Phrase (boys vs girls...and Yes, the girls won!!)-lol heehee, and Yahtzee. Unfortunately I forgot my camera-believe it or not, I know, shame one me~slap my hand~! So, sorry I don't have any pic's. ~Thank you Joe & Roxanne for a fun night!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Mags had a Birthday shout Hooray!...

Here are a couple of fun little clips from memories past of Mags growin' up...
WE LOVE YOU MAGS!!! Keep smilin'!! Life is Great!! Sisters always and forever!! ;-)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Christmas Break 2008..
Daniel and I left on the 24th, shortly after he got home and headed to Georgia to spend Christmas with his brother and his family...The 10 hour drive wasn't that bad...definitely not very long compared to the drive out here lol!! The last 4 hours of the drive was Very rainy...it was nice when we got to Atlanta (other than the fact that it was only about an hour from our destination)..the rain was so heavy that there wasn't as much traffic on the road! :-) We rolled into town around 1 am or so and after we got settled in, we visited with Becky & Ben for a little while then hit the sack.
Christmas morning Daniel and I woke up around six and went back to sleep since no one else was up yet...No one got up til around 8am!!...heck yeah for sleepin' in!! :-D We had a wonderful day and spent it inside for the most part...playin' video games etc...Actually most of the weekend was spent inside playin' video games and visiting!...

On the 27th Daniel and I played video games with the kids for awhile before we headed out to visit/meet some of his friends there...Our first stop was at his friends' Kevin & Jessica's house where we visited and went shooting...Lol, when we were out pickin' what guns we wanted to shoot, Kevin asked me what I'd like to shoot and when I told him that "I was plannin' on shootin' my 6.1 Mega Pix with a 10 Optical Zoom," Jessica asked what kinda gun that was and the guy behind her told her it was a camera...We all had a good laugh!!
Although I really didn't feel like shootin' the guns (mostly just enjoyed hangin' out/takin' pics) I did shoot Daniels 10 Gage a few times!!...Then continued takin' pics and watchin' the sunset...
On the 28th, we visited/went to church with the ward that Daniel went to while he was living there. On the way to Relief Society, Daniel introduced me to another one of his friends' who had just been called to be the R.S. President. She was a really nice gal-her and her husband are from UT-and when I told her what part of UT I was from, she said that her brother-in-law (or sister-in-law can't remember which she said) is a Mellor from that area and from the description of the family, it sounded like one of my friends'!!! AND then the lady sittin' just a couple seats away from me in R.S. said that she had some friends from Blanding that are related to the Browns and that they had lived in GA for awhile until they moved back to UT!!..It's a small world for sure!!
After Church, Daniel and I went back to Leo & Becky's to change out of our Sunday clothes and made a couple of stops on our way out of town (to visit/meet a few more people)
Oddly, the drive home seemed longer than the drive there, but it wasn't that bad of a drive and the weather was much nicer goin' home. All-in-all, we had a wonderful Christmas Break!!
Christmas morning Daniel and I woke up around six and went back to sleep since no one else was up yet...No one got up til around 8am!!...heck yeah for sleepin' in!! :-D We had a wonderful day and spent it inside for the most part...playin' video games etc...Actually most of the weekend was spent inside playin' video games and visiting!...
On the 28th, we visited/went to church with the ward that Daniel went to while he was living there. On the way to Relief Society, Daniel introduced me to another one of his friends' who had just been called to be the R.S. President. She was a really nice gal-her and her husband are from UT-and when I told her what part of UT I was from, she said that her brother-in-law (or sister-in-law can't remember which she said) is a Mellor from that area and from the description of the family, it sounded like one of my friends'!!! AND then the lady sittin' just a couple seats away from me in R.S. said that she had some friends from Blanding that are related to the Browns and that they had lived in GA for awhile until they moved back to UT!!..It's a small world for sure!!
After Church, Daniel and I went back to Leo & Becky's to change out of our Sunday clothes and made a couple of stops on our way out of town (to visit/meet a few more people)
Oddly, the drive home seemed longer than the drive there, but it wasn't that bad of a drive and the weather was much nicer goin' home. All-in-all, we had a wonderful Christmas Break!!
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