Today I decided to be adventurous, so after lunch, I walked Daniel to the corner (he had to go back to class) and instead of going straight back home I wondered down the street a block or so, took these pictures along the way, then came back home...

The sun actually came out to play today!!...It's been windy and rainy for the last few days...but today, the sky is a light blue color with hints of white jet streams and a few clouds, looking out the window out across the city, far off in the distance you can see a thin light tan haze, from the smog, looming over the buildings...The temperature is just right and the atmosphere is calm, almost quiet other than the sound of the cars passing by, an occasional siren off in the distance (there's more sirens in the evenings/nights). It feels almost like spring!!...I love it!!

Here's a random shot of a cute lil' Lady bug...I found it when I was out on the balcony enjoying the nice "fresh air" fresh as you can get in the city anyway, lol ;-)

...earlier this morning I went out on the balcony and watched the 3 little squirrels that hangout around was as if they were playing hide-n-seek/tag...We call him "Hammy"...

I also got to visit with my Mom, Matt, Maggie and Ashton today, of course Ashton has more of an "uoo'ah'oo" sort of talk right now (I've only heard him actually jabber a couple times)...for some cute pics/recordings of him, go to: "Journeys with Bubby," listed under the October Blogs.
On top of everything else, (tidying up the front room, making lunch, gettin' ready for the day, etc etc) I've been reading "The Difference Maker" by John C. Maxwell (an excellent book!) and I finished the "Twilight" book by Stephenie Meyer...IT is a good Fiction to cant help but to keep reading, turning the pages as it gets more and more interesting!
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