Tuesday, Nov. 18th-
I made Grandma Posey's Shel-roni Casserole...It tasted much better than it looked lol...but took the pic anyway...you know me ;-) pictures and being random are both fun...
...and of course I couldn't resist the sunset picture!...
After dinner, I baked some more bread and rolls, then desided to make Fry Bread! ...mmm it was gooooood!! :-D ...heehee We finished it off within an hour!!...lol, so much for savin' some for lunch the next day. ..oh well, Food is good! Couldn't Resist! :-)
I had baked some rolls and shared some with "The Guys,"...They each had 3-4! Lucero asked if I'd teach him how to make them the way I did because he liked them so much that he wanted to make some for his famiy when he goes home for Christmas!

I made Grandma Posey's Shel-roni Casserole...It tasted much better than it looked lol...but took the pic anyway...you know me ;-) pictures and being random are both fun...

Wednesday, Nov. 19th-
Tonight, Krista, Heidi and I were the only ones that showed up for the "Wednesday Night get together," but we had fun anyway! Krista quilted while Heidi scrap-booked and we all just visited! Afterwards, Krista invited me to go with her and Angie "fabric shopping" in the morning...Of course I was excited to get to go hang out with them, so I gratefully accepted the invite!
Thursday, Nov. 20th-
Krista, Angie and Krista's cute little girl (Isabella) picked me up around 9:30 am and we went Fabric shopping... I love hanging out with them because they are so upbeat and fun! (all the friends I've made here are)-They're SOOO fun! It was a blast! As we were leaving the Fabric store, we saw a gas station that had it's price down to $1.69!!!-NO JOKE! Awesome huh!!
When I got home, I dinkered around the apartment for awhile, did some reading, took a nice long nap (lol, about 3 hrs!) and woke up just before Daniel got home...He was late gettin' home because he had to finish up some stuff on Base.
When he got home, since it was our 2 Month Anniversary, we went and got some movies-The Golden Compass, Definately Maybe, No Reservations and Sydney White. We also picked up a few snacks and dinner (KFC) then came back to the apartment for a movie night.
Bell came over during the 2nd movie and watched it with us btu left just before it was over. We watched one more movie then went to bed.
Friday, Nov. 21st- It was snowing most of the day, but it was a wet snow, so it didn't stick.
Still love the sunsets...then again, I will ALWAYS love sunsets/sunrises! 

The Missionaries (from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) came over for a friday night Home Evening inwhich we'd invited a couple of Navy friends over and the Missionaries gave a lesson, then we played "PIT" ...
Starting with Daniel, going Clockwise: Lucero, Jake, Elder Keller and Elder Conlin.
...Stef called while we were playing, so I excused myself and had a fun visit with her!! -since we haven't seen eachother since last December when she got married!!
All-in-all, we had a blast!!
Saturday, Nov. 22nd- We ran errands-went to the Library, got a few things from the store, stopped at the Post Office, then came back and hung out at the apartment...I was working on a protrait of Heidi's little boy (William) because it was Heidi's birthday and that's what I thought about doing for her...and Daniel studied!
At 7:00 pm I went to Heidi's birthday party, and got to hang out with her, Sean (her husband), Tamille and William...There was also Cheese fondu, a veggie tray, cake and a chestnut rapped in bacon that we dipped in BBQ Sauce...It was SOOO good!! I had a blast hangin' out with them!
Sunday, Nov. 23rd- At church, after Sacrement Meeting, the Sister sitting infront of us turned around and asked if we were Newly Wedds to which I admited happily that we are. (2 mo's now! heehee) She then introduced herself as Lisa and said, "I can tell!...You should stay that way Always!...My husband and I have been married for 20 years and we still are, it's great!"
"Yeah, it is! :-) ...." I replied, then she continued by saying, (as she pointed out another sweet sister and her cute family) "That's why they have six kids! ;-)" ...She is definately a cute and lively Sister!-Loads of fun!
I LOVE This ward!!...and This place! They are both filled with fun/sweet/friendly people!
"Yeah, it is! :-) ...." I replied, then she continued by saying, (as she pointed out another sweet sister and her cute family) "That's why they have six kids! ;-)" ...She is definately a cute and lively Sister!-Loads of fun!
I LOVE This ward!!...and This place! They are both filled with fun/sweet/friendly people!
After Church we came home and relaxed while we watched a movie and the sunset.

Then around 4:30-ish pm we took Lucero to Norfolk because he needed a ride to Burlington Coat Factory...I took the next 4 pic's on the way there...

...Once we got there, and since it was Sunday and we don't normally buy stuff on sundays, Daniel and I walked around lookin' at stuff...I had him try on this hat just for kicks...it was fun....Lucero saw it and told him, "he could pull it off if it wasn't too big for him."

Personally I think he looks good anyway! But I'm not prejudice or anything, heeehee, I just know what I'm talkin' about when it comes to my good lookin' hunky dunky Hubby!!! ;-D
Heehee, He's just so darn cute!! :-)

You're a doll! So fun!
Thank you SO MUCH for the portrait. I'm so glad you made it to my little get together. I'll keep you posted as to the next one (Christmas themed maybe?)
Any excuse to make bacon wrapped water chestnuts!!
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