Please leave a nice comment so we know you were able to see our updates...Thank you :-) ~Lace
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
On my Christmas Journey, I Spied with my little eye...

my Daddy Bear also sent me an email with a Special attachment in it...

we were able to spend time with my family (via Web Cam) and we were able to get a family picture...that has ALL of us in it!!! :-D
(note: Daniel & I are on the Computer Monitor)
No distance can keep us apart!-Christmas Together..
...what a Gr8 combination don't ya think?!?!?!?!...Families can be together forever...Ours is!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A fun evening at Krista's...

Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Parties 'n' fun Suprises

On the 14th I called to wish Sheila a Happy Birthday and had a fun visit with her and Bubby!!
The 16th was also a fun day because I had the opportunity to go with Krista to Savannah's Christmas Program at the School...Krista let me "play" with her camera-taking still photo's while she recorded it...It was a cute program and Savannah sang her cute little heart out!!~Thanks again Savannah & Krista for inviting me!!
The 18th was our Ward Relief Society Christmas Party and Daniel dropped me off at Krista's so that I could ride with her to the different places that we'd be going to. The first place that we all met at was one of the Sister's house who was in the R.S. Presidency, there we had some appetizers (I made Deviled Eggs) and we all vistited for a bit before we headed to the 2nd house. At the 2nd house, we had the Main dish and visited some more until they were ready to read The Christmas Story in Luke. After we listened to the Christmas story, we all went to the last house were we played a game to see what white elephant gift we'd end up with, then we had treats and went home. This is the cute book bag that I got!!...Sister Marybeth made it!!Dec. 21st-They had the Christmas program at was beautiful! Daniel & I substituted in primary and taught the Valiant 9 class, then we (Daniel & I) went to our separate classes...Relief Society was nice, as usual, and after the lesson we visited while we had some Christmas treats...I had fun visiting with Krista, Roxanne and "little Lacey's mom,"-(sorry, name slipped my mind) but I will however, always remember that she's Lacey's mom! lol! Daniel and I stopped by Ms. Queen's to check on her and had the opportunity to meet another sweet lady who was already there with Queen...They are both very sweet ladies!! Lol, the lady that we met asked if we were "Newlywedds," to which we both replied that we were...and added "yesterday was our 3 month anniversary!" :-) ...She then said, "I could tell, I can feel the love!!" :-) 2 cute!-we had a fun visit!!
Later in the evening, Krista called to see if we'd be home in the next ten minutes or so...I told her that we would be...then she said, "Great! Well then, you have two options, you can either meet us in the lobby or invite us up to your apartment, it's up to you, no pressure. ;-) But just to warn ya there's alot of us!..."
lol, "well I planned on invitin' ya up," I replied. (She then told me that we had to act surprised so I promised that we would and we hung up).
...And, We were surprised!!...We had a very fun group of family/friends that showed up!! Krista and her kids with Angie and her family!!...When we got to the apartment, they sang Christmas carols to us and left us with some yummy "no-bake" cookies...Daniel saved me 2! lol...but they were gr8!!-the cookies, music and company were ALL very Sweet and Special!! ~Thank you Krista, Angie and Crew!!! Ya'll are Gr8!!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Three Month Anniversary :-)
Before coming home, we went to Golden Correll for lunch, then came back and watched "The Forbidden Kingdom."
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Snowy Journey with Calvin and Hobbes

Snow ball wars, building snow forts, Dad plowin' a road to the barn...making a huge snow pile to sled down, gettin' pulled around the field on sleds, a car hood and inner tubes, playin' "ultimate sledding" (get pulled behind a vehicle on a snowy road with sleds, etc while try to be the last one left on the sled by pushing others off!)
Yep, you guessed it!...I'm crazy when it comes to FUN!! ;-) heehee
Back home they just got about a foot of snow and it got down to around 20 degrees or so...and Here, it hasn't really "snowed"...However, it rains a couple times a week, and the temperature is usually around upper 40's-mid 60's...and yes, I enjoy it!! :-) ...I even ran through some puddles barefoot the other day...I can still wear my Flippers!! :-) (I had to retire my flip flops, but got a pair of slipper/flip flops) and can usually go without a jacket!!
I absolutely Love it Here!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Christmas Story-Daniel & Mrs.Vess style

by Lacey Vess ©2008
Daniel and Mrs. Vess are we,
Living Here at Green ‘n’ Effingham we be!
And Christmas this year, for us, may seem…
quite backwards, compared to what we used to dream…
For you see, the differences of Back home and Here
Are that of the weather and the atmosphere!
For Back home, the altitude of about sixty two hundred or so, we’d be…
But Here, Daniel and I live at a level-Below the sea!
So come one, come all and rejoice with us this Holiday Season,
For, OH! How happy are we! And for many, a good reason…
'though the songs be the same that we Sing,
Come see the differences, Christmas Back home and Here, will bring…
From Angels in the Snow to Angels in the Sand…
OH! How we love this beautiful land!
Snow Forts to Sand Castles and Igloos to Umbrellas…
Do you know what this means for us, huh?!? Do ya fella’s???
From Snowsuits and Scarf’s to Shorts and a T-shirt…
Layers of socks and thick Snow boots to flip flops or even our bare feet!!
OH! But for us, this is such a treat!!
From toboggans and sleds to beach towels and boogie boards!
From a cold heavy snow to a light warm rain…
OH! How I’d love to come back Here again and again!!
Though, Daniel on the other hand, may seem hard to convince…
That if his Station Here, should remain, it would be a dream!
*Wishing a MeRrY, mErRy ChRiStMaS to EvErYoNe!!!
Hope ya'll have a wonderful holiday...and a HaPpY NeW yEaR tOo!!!
Keep Smilin'!!! Life's Gr8!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Journey with Nancy Comics...

Anywho, just wanted to sharer this cute little comic with ya...Keep Smiling! Life's Gr8!!
Dec.10th, 2008
At the R.S. Crafts Night, I had the opportunit to visit with Krista, Angie, Erica (Angie's Daughter) and Krista's girls...It was great!! ...We had many good laughs as well! ;-) ...
Angie was talking to Savannah (Krista's 6 yr old) & I when she said, "I know why your mom had all you kids, that she'd have more help around the house! ;-)"
After that comment, Savannah turned to me and (in a questioning tone) said, "Miss Lacey, since you don't have any kids, does that mean that you have to clean the whole house by yourself?..."
"Yep, sometimes..." I replied. (Daniel sometimes joins in the fun)
To which Angie said, "...She should have some kids, don't you think?!?..."
" should," came Savannah's response as she turned to me and put her arm around me. :-) It was cute!
Lol...right after that conversation, Savannah said that she was going to ask her mom, "..."(something in referance to the buttons...) but Angie and I, with minds still on the last conversation, misunderstood her and had to ask what she said...then we both busted a gut laughin' because we thought that she had said something along the lines of askin' her mom "how to make babies so that I could get some..." just then Krista came back in the room so we explained it to her and we all had a good laugh!! :-D
*Dec 12-15th to be added in the next blog or so...
Until then, Keep Smiling! Life's Gr8!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Journey of Friendship
Sunday, December 14, 2008
21 is a Journey! ~dedicated to Sheila
Friday, December 12, 2008
Just for Fun...
List of Chores
I was going away for a few days and left my husband a list of chores. For fun, I put down as Item 5: Think about your wife a lot.
After I returned, my husband proudly reported that he had completed every job. When I saw the list, however, each item except No. 5 had been crossed off. "What's this!" I exclaimed. "Didn't you think about me while I was gone?"
My chagrin vanished when he replied cheerfully, "I started to, but just never finished."
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Journey of "My Many Names"
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (First Pet & Current Car) Hippy Explorer
2.YOUR ROCK STAR TOUR'S NAME: ("The"+ Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”) The Hiking Rain Tour
3. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) Moosetracks Homemade
4. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)Lves
5. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal) Yellow Monkey
6. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born) Lynann Monticello
7. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first) Vesla
8. SUPERHERO NAME: ("The" + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink) The Brown Spicy Cider
9. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers) Edwin James Eddie Larry
10. STRIPPER NAME: (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy) Fresh Blue Musk Honey
11. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names) Beth Blain
12. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter) Bates Brasillia
13. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower) Fall Gerber
14. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) Cucumber Damaasie
15. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree) Smoothie Aspin
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Journey of the 7 Second Cowbubby
We all know that a cowboy isn't a cowboy without his hat
and this little Cowbubby isn't about to loose his!!
...Even if it costs him less time on the rockin' horse!