Thurs. Dec. 4th- When Daniel got home, we ran errands, went to the Commissary, gased up the chidi (at $1.63/gal.!!) and came home and watched a couple movies...(Christmas Caper, and Kung Fu Panda)...They are both really good!! Bell came over and played cards.
Friday, Dec. 5th-I did a few things around the apartment and took a nap. Then, around one, I headed out to a sister in the ward's house to help her with a few things...and as I headed across town, I missed one of my turns, but instead of turning around, I just kept driving on the same road...curious to see where I'd end up...Then I found one of the roads that I was supposed to be on, so I turned onto it...and made it to my destination! :-D It was a fun little adventure!!
Daniel was already home when I got back...and He had put the dishes away that I had washed before I left, and finished the ones I used while preparing dinner...(I love slow cookers!!)...He is so sweet and amazing!...I am SO blessed!
Bell came over around 4pm ish and we all played Phase a way that was new to me...Daniel called it the faster version, because instead of the normal way, when someone got one of the phases they just continued onto the next phase and their last phase was shuffled back into the draw pile so that we wouldn't run out of cards. When it was your turn, you'd draw enough cards to make 10 in your hand. It was interesting, but fun!
Then, just after 5pm, Daniel and I went and picked up the missionaries and brought them back to our apartment where we met up with Jake and had our "Family Home Evening." The missionaries gave a great lesson and then the guys (Daniel, Jake and the Missionaries) played "Sorry," while I checked out a few blogs.
After their game, Daniel and I went with the Missionaries to visit a really cute Grandma Lady named Queen...She is a sweetheart! When we left Queen's home, Daniel & I took the Missionaries to get some dinner, then we came home. It was a wonderful day!! I love life! ...and I love it here!!Sat. Dec. 6th-
This morning, I dropped Daniel off at the Church so he could go on the Priest Quorum Service Project, then I came back home and worked on the computer for awhile. When Daniel got home, we worked on a few things then drove over to the *City Park and walked around for a few minutes then we came home again...Bell came over again, so we played Phase 10 again.
...AND just barely, as I was in the Kitchen gettin' ready to make blueberry cake, Daniel came in and kicked me out! :-D He's SOOO cute!! ...He pixed it up and stuck it in the in about 20 minutes we'll be eatin' Blueberry cake while we watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 'A Chipmunk Christmas' ...ok, so I'll probably be watching the movie, and Daniel will probably be reading his book while he holds me...then I/we might watch somethin' else. Then hit the sack.

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