Saturday, December 20, 2008

Three Month Anniversary :-)

For our 3 month anniversary we went to the park and took was actually cold today, I wore my toe socks with my Flippers and my jacket!!...heehee...not cold enough to make me wear my shoes!!)
These are just a couple of the Ducks...This time they didn't follow us around!!...

"Mr. Cool..."
I liked this Bench, it looked cool...
Heehee...Mr. Cool again...
After the Park, we did a couple errands then stopped at the "2 Corners..." (The corner of Utah and Colorado!!!) Heehee...see I'm still at home!! :-D
Ps. That's my new Jacket!!...Daniel got it for me the day before Thanksgiving!...It's pretty Sweet!!

Before coming home, we went to Golden Correll for lunch, then came back and watched "The Forbidden Kingdom."

1 comment:

Krista said...

I'm in! Thanks for the invite. I love how your Mrs. is just a bit taller than your Mr. --Cute!